Decided to throw up some more pics from the past couple months. I have been shooting a lot of baseball this summer, which is great because baseball is one of the toughest sports for me to shoot. (Not counting golf, volleyball, and plenty of others). I've been able to use my new longer lens and it makes a big difference. Have been able to see some pretty good games too. The top two baseball pics are very recent, and I just really dig them. I kept seeing the dust fly off everyone whenever there was a play on the infield dirt. Finally was able to get a decent shot of it. The pitcher photo was just for myself. I liked the black background (except for that person in the white shirt back there) and the cool light, which doesn't pop as much on the internet of course.
The parade pic is from May and I forgot to post it up here earlier. The original didn't run as a square crop but I decided to crop it for here just because.
The last two are from the debates in New Hampshire back in early June. They are both from the 'spin room' after the debates occurred. The highlight being the blogger that was walking around with an open laptop and with a web cam attached to it who was trying to type on his laptop and record his interviews with the web cam. The web cam kept falling off his laptop. I tried to get a photo of him, really I did, but I failed. I think he knew what I was up to.
We did have access to the debate hall to photograph the candidates on stage. A whopping 90 seconds. We were supposed to have five minutes, but of course they came out late. 20 photographers all squished up against the stage desperate to get a photo of all nine or so candidates together. Fun stuff. Okay so maybe I can only speak for myself, I was desperate to get a photo of them all together. One that was sharp, well exposed, and where none of them were blinking or doing something weird. Stressful as all hell but it was a good learning experience. Have a look
CANTON, Mass. - July 14, 2007 - Second baseman for the Canton American Legion team Ryan Melaugh makes the throw to first baseman Ryan Darcy on a ground out by Morrisette's second baseman Joe Lousararian during the game at Canton High school. Canton defeated Morrisette 2-1 and will now move on to the district 6 East playoffs.

CANTON, Mass. - July 14, 2007 - Canton American Legion team starting pitcher Andy Poliferno hurls a pitch in the first inning against the Morrisette Legion team at Canton High school. Canton defeated Morrisette 2-1 and will now move on to the district 6 East playoffs.

Somerville, Mass. - May 27, 2007 - The Italian American marching band makes its way under a large American flag that hung over Davis Square during the Memorial Day Parade.

Republican Presidential Candidate for 2008, Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), chats with reporters after the debate inside the spin room at Stoutenburgh gymnasium on the Saint Anselm College campus in Manchester, New Hampshire on June 5, 2007.

Democratic Presidential Candidate for 2008, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE), answers a question from a reporter in the spin room located inside the Stoutenburgh Gymnasium on the Saint Anselm College campus in Manchester, New Hampshire on June 3, 2007. The eight Democratic Candidates just wrapped up a debate.