Looking out at our freshly paved back yard May 29, 2007 11:11pm
Still a sucker for cool night photos so I thought I would share this one. The taggers are really stepping it up this spring as you can see. I just wish it was halfway decent graffiti, is that too much to ask for guys? Maybe they are just using our street for practice.
Anyway I spent almost all day yesterday working on a new multimedia slideshow for the Cambridge Chronicle. I photographed and recorded some audio from the final show at The Kirkland (which is technically in Somerville). It was a local bar that hosted lots of musical acts. I found out it was closing because my dad told me (thanks dad).
Check out the slideshow. Click the link then click the play button. Be sure to have your sound up, but not too loud...don't want you waking the neighbors.
Anyway I spent almost all day yesterday working on a new multimedia slideshow for the Cambridge Chronicle. I photographed and recorded some audio from the final show at The Kirkland (which is technically in Somerville). It was a local bar that hosted lots of musical acts. I found out it was closing because my dad told me (thanks dad).
Check out the slideshow. Click the link then click the play button. Be sure to have your sound up, but not too loud...don't want you waking the neighbors.
Hello, my name is Mr. Ooh McArntuartsy and I just wanted to commend you on your lovely daguerreotype of the asphault lot behind your home. Really one of the more fascinating insights into urban living I've seen in some time - especially the way the trash bins tilt awkwardly against the pitched light of the streetlamp, almost like a neo-metropolitan Stonehenge.
Nice slideshow dude! Well, the sound I mean, the pictures were all rubbish. If you close your eyes while watching, you can almost keep (whatever meal you had most recently) down!
Seriously, good stuff though.
Thank you kindly Mr. Ooh McArntuartsy, it is wonderful that someone truly understands my work.
Sometimes blogs are updated more than once a month....just, ya know, something to think about.
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