Sunday, January 25, 2009

I've got a brand new pair of (hockey) skates...

012409 - Montreal, QC - The NHL Western Conference All-Stars line up at the start of the 2009 NHL SuperSkills competition at the Bell Center.

Drove up to Montreal yesterday to cover the NHL All-Star weekend. As I was driving I watched the outside temp reading on my car go from downright tropical 38F in Providence to a balmy -1F at the Canada border. Glad I came prepared.

Anyway last night was the NHL Skills competition. They test the skills of the best in the league starting with speed, breakaways, first year vs second year mini game, shot accuracy, shot speed, and then the final elimination shoot out. It went alright. My shooting locations were pretty limited but I made the most of what I had. Now that I have a better idea of the layout of the rink I think I will have it pretty well dialed tonight. I have two spots to work with, one of which is in a luxury suite, so I can just sit there and file as I am shooting. The other is against the glass, which gives a different angle, which is good, but it's not in the corner, which is bad. I'll make it work though.

Thats all I have for now.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day - 012009

(012009 Washington, D.C.) Fruta Abdush-Shahid (L) and Faiz Adbush-Shahid of Baltimore, MD watch the inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on a large screen near the Washington Monument on Monday morning. Photo by Matthew Healey

Okay so its a day late but I have been busy, trying to make up for the total lack of sleep in the past 6 days. We hit the pavement at 6am for the Inauguration. It was cold, windy, dusty, cold, and cold....and worth every second. Here is a quick slideshow I just put together. The photos are pretty much in order of the day. Let me know what you think.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inauguration trip - January 18, 2009

(011809 Washington, D.C.) Ludwing Rivera of Silver Spring, MD throws his arms up in the air as President Elect Barack Obama is introduced at the Opening Ceremonies of the Presidential Inauguration on Sunday January 18, 2009. Photo by Matthew Healey

So the website I had been hawking on here before is finally live. So head on over to and have a look at some of the work that we have put together so far. Leave a comment on there and let us know what you think. Anything we are missing, anything you would like to see? Or feel free to drop a comment on here too. Or send me an email.

Putting this up....

Frankly because I can. It didn't make the edit from my friend but I don't care right now. So hope you like. Some other pics are up on my flickr site. Have a look here!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inauguration trip - January 17, 2009

So we are in D.C. and have hit the ground running. Or walking really slowly cause I am carrying too much stuff. At any rate, most of my day today was spent working for Suffolk University. They have a bunch of students in town for a symposium that started seven days ago. Today a group of them were headed out to the Newseum so it was my job to tag along with them and document their day. It was pretty cool, a great museum, some very involved government students, some cool pics.

After that I met up with Dave and Meghann and made some more photos. Going to post one up here right now. The full gallery should be up at Media Soup soon enough, once that goes live I will edit this post with a link there. But for now have a look at the President Elect mister Barack Obama (in cardboard cutout form).

Washington, D.C. - January 17, 2009: Nimi Dvir of Silver Spring, MD carries a life sized cardboard cut-out of President Elect Barack Obama on the corner of 14th Street and Constitution Ave. Dvir along with a friend were out offering photos with the cut-out to passer by's for two dollars.

Friday, January 16, 2009


So I am heading to the Obama Inauguration with some fellow journalists. Partly to work and partly to just have a chance to document a fairly historic event, okay, really historic event. I left Providence at around 2:30PM on Thursday and arrived in Philly, our first stop at around 8PM. I am driving (being driven) by friend/mentor David Gordon and fellow journalist Meghann Ackerman.

We have been trying to talk to people on the way down about the Inauguration and have had some decent luck. Putting up a photo right now of Dave and Meghann (above) holding the camera, along with Colleen McEnttee (sorry if I got that wrong my notes are messy) who worked at the bar we stopped at. Colleen, who works with immigrants hopes that Obama will be able to bring about immigration reform.

Okay not much, but it's something. The three of us plus hopefully Christine and her friend Kim along with at least one other hope to post to a new entity launched/created by Dave called Media Soup. The website when it launches in the next day or two will be It will include written stories, video, photos and sound of people involved in the Obama Inauguration. So keep posted here or at the new address for more updates.