Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Surf's up brah!

Nice little groundswell has been hitting Rhode Island for the past couple days.  I managed to make it out for a total of seven hours in two days.  My arms are sore and I am exhausted because it has been so long but it was fun, and I caught a bunch more than I expected.  Got one nice pic from where I was surfing.  Can't tell you though cause, it's a secret.  Not really but people get all upset if you put up surf spot names.  So I will leave it out.

Surfer glides along a wave in the Narragansett area.  Photo by Matthew Healey

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

That time I got to shoot Radiohead...

Aka one of the best assignments I have ever had.

Really it, was just awesome.

I listened to a lot of Radiohead in my time and jumped on the chance to shoot them.  Right up front, only allowed to shoot the first three songs like at most concerts these days but it was fantastic.  Got to watch the rest in the press area on closed circuit.  Did I also mention that Christine (my lady) was right there with me working for the competition, and we had just gone to see Wilco the night before at Tanglewood.

Best weekend ever and I just dug up the photos and put them in my PhotoShelter.  Here are two from that night.

Thom Yorke, Lead singer of the group Radiohead performs with the band at the Comcast Center in Mansfield, Massachusetts on August 13, 2008. Photo by Matthew Healey

Thom Yorke, Lead singer of the group Radiohead performs with the band at the Comcast Center in Mansfield, Massachusetts on August 13, 2008. Photo by Matthew Healey

Added some other concert pics to the archives as well.  Have a look at my PhotoShelter page.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Celtics Practice

I realize I tend to be a bit sports heavy on my blog.  Not sure why that is but here is yet another sports pic, of sorts.   It is from a Celtics practice the day after a loss against Cleveland.  There isn't usually much action at a practice.  The team practices for awhile while the press waits in what is essentially a waiting room with no view of the practice court.  When the team is done with real practice they let the media in.  There are sometimes a few players still shooting maybe playing 'HORSE' or whatever.  But it's not really practice.  Then the players and coaches come over and do their interviews or sometimes they don't.  It really varies.

Here is one pic I liked.  Not sure if it ran.

(050810  Waltham, MA) Boston Celtics Ray Allen chats with reporters after practice at the Sports Authority Training Center.  Photo by Matthew Healey

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What's in there?

Just came across this photo from last summer.  For my non photographer friends this scene is fairly common at certain events.  We usually refer to a situation like this as a 'scrum'.  As in a rugby scrum when the two teams link arms and charge at each other and fight for the ball.  But instead of a ball, it is a photo subject.

What makes it unusual however is just how orderly it is.  That's because it is held at a place that normally hosts a lot of media, so they do their best to accommodate.  No battling to talk to the subject, the subject comes to a few of them then everyone else files around.  The venue even supplies extra step ladders which is great.

A scrum, but not really.  More like a swarm.

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