Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day - 012009

(012009 Washington, D.C.) Fruta Abdush-Shahid (L) and Faiz Adbush-Shahid of Baltimore, MD watch the inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on a large screen near the Washington Monument on Monday morning. Photo by Matthew Healey

Okay so its a day late but I have been busy, trying to make up for the total lack of sleep in the past 6 days. We hit the pavement at 6am for the Inauguration. It was cold, windy, dusty, cold, and cold....and worth every second. Here is a quick slideshow I just put together. The photos are pretty much in order of the day. Let me know what you think.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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